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News & events

ISH’s Roundtable on Geert Hofstede and the Research of Cultures

15.06. 2021.

On Monday, June 14, 2021, the Alma Mater Eurupaea’s Faculty of Humanities (AMEU – ISH) organized a roundtable about Geert Hofstede. The event was led and moderated by the junior researcher Daniel Siter.

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ISH has a Fulbright fellow

11.06. 2021.

We are proud of the doctoral student and president of the Alumni Club AMEU - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (ISH) Dr. Maja Gutman, who is this year’s recipient of a Fulbright scholarship. “Between 1 October this year and 15 February next year, she will be researching at the UCLA Department of Anthropology in the US. She will gain new insights into her research “Phenotypes of dreams: data supported dream pattern modelling”, explained prof. Dr. Lenart Škof, Dean of AMEU - ISH. Dr. Gutman will also be a guest lecturer at ISH in the next academic year.

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Projectification and Sustainability lead us through and out of the crisis

07.04. 2021.

Alma Mater Europaea ECM Maribor, in co-organization with the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, hosted the 9th International Scientific Conference “ALL ABOUT PEOPLE 2021: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts”.

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Economist Jeffrey Sachs vs. Twitter Bitcoin

30.03. 2021.

(source: Notizie Nacionali)

SAFE ZONE project - European Seminar

30.03. 2021.

In the framework of the European Project SAFE ZONE on prevention of youth radicalization in sports, IPRS (Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research), in collaboration with CSI-Centro Sportivo Italiano (Italy), CJD (Germany), University Alma Mater Europae (Slovenia), MMA Klub Maribor (Slovenia), Catholic University of Porto (Portugal), and IPDJ Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude (Portugal), invites you to join the Seminar “Preventing Youth Radicalization through Sports: the impact of Covid-19 pandemic”.

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12.03. 2021.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to address you again at your traditional scientific conference. If at any time, it is now, that the title of this year’s conference is truly relevant. The health crisis has given us solid evidence of how much we need to be focused on a man.

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Do you want to study in the USA?

22.02. 2021.

Dear students of Alma Mater Europaea, Washington and Lee University has kindly offered one one-year scholarship for undergraduate student from any studying programme of Alma Mater Europaea.
The American University takes care of all the costs of study, accommodation, and travel for a student for one year.

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The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has appointed Borut Ambrožič, Head of the INFO INPEA POINT at Alma Mater Europaea - ECM, as a member of the Commission for the Management of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

26.11. 2020.

The INFO INPEA point for health protection and protection of the rights of older adults has been operating at Alma Mater Europaea ECM for several years. Borut Ambrožič, the head of the info point, a local expert on non-governmental organization and in the field of health protection and related human rights, has been appointed to the Commission for the Management of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for the second term.

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Motivational and encouraging

11.11. 2020.

Alma Mater Alumni Club hosted a lecture prepared by the mental trainer, Matej Lunežnik, psychologist, who has been working in the field of occupational and sports psychology for many years.

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