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News & events

ESN publishes pioneering research on the impact of COVID-19 on student mobility

14.05. 2020.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) has conducted a research on experiences of students and trainees across Europe regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their mobility experience, in which 21.930 international students and trainees in Europe provided information about their experiences. The report aims to support policy-makers to make decisions and alter communication in order to answer the major challenges students face during their exchange in foreign countries.

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Push for mail-in vote gaining steam, and scrutiny

12.05. 2020.

(source: Boston Globe)

Positive feedback to the current implementation of studies

08.04. 2020.

We have just finished the first month of following the recommendations of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to continue the study process through ICT. We are extremely pleased with the whole transition to online format, as are the users.

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The evaluators extend the international accreditation of Alma Mater

07.04. 2020.

Alma Mater has received an extension of the European Council for Business Education (ECBE) international accreditation for further 4 years for its management programs. ECBE is an international accreditation body based in Brussels, which, on the basis of its quality standards, contributes to the development and improvement of management, business and economics study programs.

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27.03. 2020.

Dear students, Dear colleagues, The COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has gained a global dimension of pandemic, unprecedented in the recent history. Alma Mater Europaea engages with consciousness and knowledge as we were the first that closed doors of our institutions and immediately introduced smooth distance education. Teachers, employed in health and social care centres, have been involved in activities those institutions, whereas many students have been participating in volunteer work under Slovenian Red Cross or Slovenia Civil protection, respectively. Up to this date, we have had nearly 1000 healthcare professionals and gerontologists, all employed and dedicated to overcome the epidemic, saving health and providing security to those in need.

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[ERASMUS+] announcement

05.03. 2020.

Dear Erasmus+ students,
• AMEU will continue with lectures on-line for Erasmus sudents.
• All internship activities are stoped for unknown period.
• The visiting students my decide if they want to stay in Slovenia or go back home (this decision should be based on actual situation in sending country and posibilities to travel).
• AMEU international office will assist the students with travel if possible, but please make sure that return to your country is possible. Hungary closed the borders and does not allow the transit, they may accept their own citizens. Austria will close the borders as it did with Germany. Italy is accepting own citizens.

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3rd all Slovenian carnival get-together for seniors in Ptuj

23.02. 2020.

On February 20, the 3rd all-Slovenian Carnival get-together for Seniors took place at Ptuj carnival, organized by the AMEU Social Gerontology students Lidija Minić (Bachelor of Social Gerontology) and Veronika Gorišek (Doctoral Student of social gerontology).

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More than 1000 participants and 200 papers at the international conference

21.02. 2020.

Maribor. Three more weeks separate us from the start of the 8th Scientific Conference All about people: The Relevance of Science and Education. The conference will be held at Alma Mater Europaea - ECM (Maribor location, Slovenska 17, Maribor) on 13-14 March 2020.

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Dr. Barbara Toplak Perovič: »Our students should be sought-after, not job seekers«

20.02. 2020.

Alma Mater Europaea - ECM specializes in offering career-oriented education in professions that lack employees, and will this year open a new minor within the management program in the area of Family business.

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