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Students - Success stories

Successful basketball player and physiotherapy student

09.02. 2023.

Alma Mater student of physiotherapy Tiana Meglič Šteharnik is considered one of Slovenia's most successful basketball players.

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Body language in dance

07.02. 2023.

Using the basic properties of selected body systems in the somatic research process was the central theme of the Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy graduate Kaja Marion Ribnikar. Based on this, she created a dance performance, with which she conveyed the feeling to the audience through the expressiveness of body movement.

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Physiotherapy in pregnancy

02.02. 2023.

Physiotherapy treatment and regular physical activity effectively reduce pain in the pelvic girdle in pregnant women. This was confirmed by Barbara Golob, a graduate of physiotherapy at Alma Mater, with her thesis.

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With physiotherapy effectively over dementia

01.02. 2023.

As the world's population ages, the number of people with dementia, which affects memory, thinking, speech, and other features, are also increasing. This, in turn, gradually reduces the ability of people to live independently and perform everyday activities. Physiotherapy treatment of these patients is becoming more frequent and more effective.

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Correct positions of patients after a stroke

24.01. 2023.

Ajda Rak, a graduate of physiotherapy at Alma Mater, drew attention to the importance of positioning patients after a stroke in the correct positions with an excellent final assignment, as this affects their health and well-being.

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Social gerontologists are vital in overcoming the loneliness of the elderly

23.01. 2023.

Alma Mater student Urška Kunčič works at the Retirement home Ljutomer. She says that the work of a social gerontologist was significant during the coronavirus. She demonstrated this in her final assignment, where she focused on the problems of the elderly in nursing homes during the coronavirus epidemic.

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The modernization of tourist farms presupposes the involvement of the elderly

18.01. 2023.

»Studying at my Alma Mater was a first-class and innovative experience for me,« emphasized Jože Zalar, a doctoral student in social gerontology. His doctoral dissertation entitled The Influence of Older Adults on Updating the Organization of Tourist Farms in Slovenia, under the mentorship of Professor Rok Ovsenik, identified the influences of older adults on the organization of tourist farm operations.

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Competent, respectful, and empathetic treatment for all patients

13.01. 2023.

Helena Kristina Halbwachs, quality manager for SeneCura Slovenia and Croatia and doctoral candidate in social gerontology at Alma Mater, evaluated the state of cultural competence of the Slovenian healthcare system based on fundamental human rights with her doctoral dissertation.

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Nursing graduates did research in Prekmurje

04.01. 2023.

Students Sanja Kavaš and Dragica Bogatin successfully crowned their graduate studies in nursing with their final assignment. The first researched the importance of intergenerational cooperation in the home environment, during the second examined knowledge of palliative care in the Pomurje Region.

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Physical activity over chronic diseases

29.12. 2022.

In her final assignment, Alma Mater nursing student Dragana Toroman dealt with the importance of physical activity for human health.

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