In case a student does not complete all the required student obligations in their last year of study and have not previously repeated a year or changed a study program, he or she may request for an extension of student status (extended year). To enroll in a graduate internship, a student must have previous status.There are NO other conditions for enrolling in extended year (absolvent stage).
Students who wish to extend their status (absolvent stage) must submit an electronic request to the Student Office at Alma Mater. The request is submitted through VIS – the Request tab can be found in the left-hand-side menu and select the Application for Enrolment – Extended year (absolvent stage). By submitting the request, the student guarantees that he has not yet repeated year or changed study program at any higher education institution in the Republic of Slovenia.
By submitting the requested statement, the student assumes criminal and material responsibility and allows Alma Mater to verify the accuracy of the data ex officio and, where necessary, also obtain data from official records.
Within two working days after the application has been submitted in the VIS, the Student Affairs office will check the adequacy of the submitted application and within five working days, it will prepare the appropriate enrolment form, which the student must fill out via VIS and finish their enrolment. VIS can be accessed through a website ( ) with a username and password.
The costs of the extending student status (extended year)
The tuition for the absolvent stage equals 1/3 of the yearly tuition fee, as well as an enrolment fee in the amount of 100,00 EUR. The first instalment of the tuition for the extension of student status, as well as the enrolment fee should be settled by the time of enrolment.
Before enrolling, please check whether you have settled all financial obligations for the previous academic years, which is one of the conditions for enrolment. All assigned surveys must also be completed.
During the enrollment period, the student retains student status.