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At Alma Mater, study obligations are organized in a way that evenly distributes student workload and enables continuous and higher-quality learning. This means that typically one or two subjects are conducted simultaneously, with exams following the completion of the last study obligations. There are no designated exam periods, as exams are scheduled continuously; however, the final exam dates for all study programs generally take place again in August and September.

Lectures in most undergraduate study programs are delivered in a hybrid format, allowing students to attend either in person at the location or remotely via the Zoom application. All lectures are recorded, and the recordings are available for viewing through the Moodle online classroom throughout the academic year. If a study program is conducted exclusively Online, there are no in-person lectures in the classroom.

Seminars and laboratory exercises are generally held at the location unless otherwise specified by the study program. These sessions are not recorded and cannot be attended remotely, except for study programs that are conducted Online. Attendance at seminars, laboratory exercises and practical training is mandatory.

Part-Time Study

Part-time study is equivalent in scope and quality to full-time study, differing only in the organization of the study process and study obligations, which are adapted for students who work alongside their studies.

Part-time study has the same duration, content, scope, and level of difficulty as full-time study. Students complete study obligations amounting to 60 ECTS credits within one year. Lectures are generally held in the afternoon on weekdays and in the morning on Saturdays.

Part-time students are entitled to the same benefits as full-time students, including subsidized meals (student vouchers), transportation, accommodation in student dormitories, and health insurance.

Part-time study is subject to tuition fees.

Full-Time Study

Full-time study requires students to be fully engaged in the study process, as it is structured in a way that expects daily attendance at lectures, exercises, and other obligations. Classes may take place in the morning or afternoon.

The study program is designed so that students complete study obligations amounting to 60 ECTS credits within one academic year.

For students from Slovenia and the EU, full-time study is typically free of charge, provided they do not exceed the allowed study duration (one additional year beyond the standard program length, e.g., four years for a three-year program). At Alma Mater, the full-time study option is available for the Bachelor study programs in Nursing and Social Gerontology.

Full-time study offers an in-depth academic experience, fostering direct interaction with lecturers, regular engagement with classmates, and an active approach to learning and research.

Distance Learning Option

Distance learning is conducted as a combination of live and remote lectures and exercises. It is an organized method of delivering knowledge to students at a remote location or within an institution using the latest information and communication technology.

The main advantages of this format are the ability to study from home, either individually or in a team, while allowing students to set their own study schedule and pace.

Only specific study programs at Alma Mater can be conducted via Distance learning. These programs are determined by the Call for enrolment.